Ooooh another Primátor beer! Well its a quarter past 2am, and I was about to go to bed, but I got hungry. So what goes good with food? My 9th day beer! I poured it into my glass, and it just looked like it belonged! Check out this photo set!

Ohhhh man just look at that foamy head roll down the sides of the glass! These pictures are amazing! Well I've already written you all about the history of Primátor, but just to remind you, it's a beer from the Czech Republic. It comes in 500mL bottles, or for those of you that don't know what that means, it's .5L or a half litre/liter. Maybe thats why Americans just make 12oz brews. So boring. Well to tell you what you don't know...this beer is pretty delicious. It had a great foamy head that it holds really well. You don't get that often, and when you do, it's amazing. I think that really makes a beer sometimes. It's a 5.0% abv, which is pretty much the normal for these European lagers. People in Europe or traveling to Europe always say that the beer there is so much stronger and blah blah blah compared to American beer. They think they can drink a million beers in the US and still be fine after getting acquainted to these European lagers. Well the truth is, it's pretty much the same alcohol content, sometimes less, but almost always in bigger bottles. If you're used to drinking this beer, and you come back to the US, you're right, Budwiser does taste like water. I mean, you're drinking the cheapest knock off beer in the world and comparing it to something with history. Of course it tastes like water and feels like you can drink a million of them, but really, it just doesn't taste as good as something like this here Primátor.

I really like the flavor of this Czech Pilsner brew. This beer is great, and I now have respect for the company. I don't remember the types of beer that I drank when I was in the Czech Republic last, but I'm pretty sure I would have remembered this one. This perfect light golden beer is exactly what you look for in a beer. It smells amazing too. The glass just asked me to pour it into him! It's premium beer, and they're not lying. Really. If I could buy this all the time, I probably would. 10 out of 10 for a pretty perfect beer. DRINK UP!
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