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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 8. New Belgium 2 Below Ale

Ohhmmmmm I think my beer just froze in my frozen glass ;) Quick, drink! This literally feels like the coldest beer I've ever had to drink. AND I LOVE IT! 2 Below Ale by New Belgium Brewing Company was just poured into my frozen glass, and it is lovely! I have been running a little slow lately due to the fact that I've been writing a 30 page and 10 page paper for the end of this semester, but hey, I just finished! And ohhh man, beer is one hell of a reward, especially this beer!

This deliciously amber colored ale makes my tongue tickle with excitement! And I'm not just saying that because I've been working so hard on my papers haha. However, I am surprised that I'm back at the computer writing right now, considering my fingers are about to fall off and my eyes are about to fall out! But I deserve this beer! Just like New Belgium says, "We like to think we beat winter at its own game..."Well I live in Arizona, and, I mean it's not hard to do here, but I'd pretty much say this would work for me anywhere. The final brew stage for this beer is a nearly freezing state, where they claim its ample structure develops a brilliant clarity. You may not be able to tell because of the frozen glass, but as the glass has warmed up, you can see this beer is as clear as crystal. A perfectly festive looking beer, I would have been happy opening this one up on the 24th. We don't really get snow here in Phoenix, but this bottle showed me all I need.
Mmmm so yummy. And with 6.6% abv, a few of these are sure to warm you up, but at the same time they'll keep you nice and cool. Cool little bit of info on this beer from the new belgium website:
This tasty winter warmer started life as a small batch beer brewed for the Al Johnson Uphill Downhill a telemark ski race in Crested Butte, Colorado. The Uphill Downhill celebrates the exploits of Al Johnson, letter carrier extraordinaire, who delivered mail by ski in the late 1800 s.
Skiing mailman. Awesome. I only wish I had the goblet style glass to drink it out of. That must really be the only kind of beer glass I don't own. Hmmm Christmas present anybody? But really, only if its New Belgium :) I love this beer and I am giving it a rating of a perfect 10. GO BUY THIS BEER! Thank you New Belgium, you re-made my whole night!

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