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Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 10. Krušovice Královský Pivovar Imperial

What a fancy bottle. Typical of the Czech beer I've had before such as Czechvar, all wrapped in gold and what not. It's quite an old brew though, since 1581 I guess according to the bottle. Krušovice Královský Pivovar. I'm pretty sure, that from my limited Czech, and extended beer knowledge, that Pivo means beer. Pivovar...idk. Well their website seems to be pretty interactive, but I don't really speak Czech so I couldn't tell you what it says.

It's really a bummer that I'm resorting to wiki to find out about this beer...and guess what. It's owned by the Heineken company. Damn, they're just buying everybody up! Well according to the wiki, this brewery was started in 1517. The brewery gained a contract to provide beer to Emperor Rudolf II in 1581, allowing them to use the Imperial Crown of Austria as part of the company's logo. Austria is king of beer, so I guess this would make sense ;). Well this beer comes in a 500mL bottle and only has 5.0% abv. not bad, nothing special. It poured nice, and kept a good head, but just doesn't taste amazing, and it sorta has a funky taste to it. What kind of beer makes your mouth dry after you take a sip? These Czech people must really just want you to keep drinking and get drunk. Really, theres nothing to go crazy about here. Yes, I would take it any day over a Budweiser beer, but there are plenty of other brews that easily top this one. I do like it, I just don't love it. Thumbs up though for a pretty bottle? 6.5 out of 10. It is a friday though, and I'm headed out to party, so the vast amounts of shit beer I'm about to drink tonight could lead me to change this to a much higher number as i tell the bottle I'm sorry!

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