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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 4...ish Primátor Maibock

So I opened my 4th day beer yesterday, but never got around to drinking it. I got a little distracted by going to a show for The VeraGroove and an afterparty for their CD release, of course I was drinking some shitty beer or malt liquor, and didn't quite have time to blog about this beer and drink it before a show. But I'm getting to it tonight. Primátor Maibock, another beer from the Czech Republic.

It says on the label that it was voted worlds best lager in 2008, but by who, I don't know. I'm not denouncing their win, it is a good beer. It comes in a 500mL bottle, and has a pretty huge 7.5% abv. A couple of these should sure pack a punch! I've never had a lager with this high of an abv, and I expected it to be something else, especially considering its a "bock" style beer, I thought it would be a much heavier beer, and a much more dark, heavy beer. Although it is much heavier and thicker tasting than a what I would usually drink, it has a great taste.

From the Náchod Brewery in the northern part of the Czech Republic, and part of two other breweries, Svijany and Rohozec, these people have been brewing beer since 1873. Not as old as most european beers I know, it's still quite decent. The original brewer, Antonin Lutz must have had a good recipe. Czech (hehe) out their website where you can take a virtual tour of the brewery, and read about its history, and whatever else information you'd like to know.

I really have to say though, I've never had a bad beer from the Czech Republic. Those guys really know what they're doing. This beer has changed my perceptions on the bock style of beers, and I'll be having these a lot more often now, when and where I can order them. I'm gonna rate this beer at a 9 for my taste in beers. Don't be afraid to try new beers!

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