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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2...ish. Coney Island Sword Swallower Steel Hop Lager

Ok, I admit, this bottle looks freaking cool! haha a chick with some swords and all, it looks like a total circus act. Besides that, it has the joker face on the neck, almost creepy, but funny. I really like the fact that the beer bottle has advertisements on it. Reviews from other drinkers such as the New York Times and the Boston Phoenix saying that it is "My favorite for its depth & bitterness." and that it has a "much more robust hop character than typical's a welcome spin on the style. Hmmmm a new style of beer, I'm interested to try this. This Schmaltz Brewing Company sure has a new thing of advertising compared to most beers. It's almost just an artsy bottle. On the bottle it calls out to me saying "Lager freaks & beer geeks!" thats me! Beer Advocate states that this beer has a crazy 6.8% abv! wow! You wouldn't expect that from a normal lager.
Well, according to my friend Katie here, it's not a beer for everybody. Definitely a beer for the beer enthusiast. I, personally, enjoy the taste. It's so full bodied and full of flavor. The tagline on the bottle says "Schmaltz Brewing Co unveils a stunning spectacle: the delicate balance of 8 hops gracefully thrust into the inner sanctum of 4 luscious malts astonishing in depth, dazzling in mouthfeel. A scintilating brewing performance." Wow, I didn't even think that, it says it on the bottle and it's true to its word!
Well, it appears after some research, that this girl, the Sword Swallower, is actually a real person! Leave it up to New Yorkers to make some interesting stuff! Well compared to my last beer, this one is a normal 12oz bottle, but full of color. I really like the taste, but I wouldn't drink this beer all night because it's pretty heavy. I would limit myself to having a few while just enjoying beer for the sake of beer, whereas if I were out to party, I'd be drinking a lot more, but of something else. Beer companies are the most interesting things to me, and this looks like a company I would be interested in working for. Have fun, brew beer, be crazy. Check out their website for more info on their brews, they have a multi-pack with about 6 different beers to try, which is perfect if you're up for trying new things.

Craft beer is a good thing. I appreciate it. If I could order this with a meal, I probably would. However, never from a keg, only from the bottle. The bottle adds so much fun to the beer, so don't ever accept not being able to look at it. I know I got the party pack, so I'll be very interested in seeing the rest of the ones that came with it and trying them as well. Rating for this beer? Well its not for everybody, but for a person who appreciates beer, you can understand how I'd give it about a 7.5-8 out of 10 rating. Brilliant beer, and I really appreciate how they can make it into an art, combining all the hops and malts. Beer isn't just a mixed drink, it's a recipe. Thanks to the Schmaltz Brewing Company, now you don't have to settle for just a simple beer.

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