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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12. Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA

I'll start off by saying that I haven't had an IPA in a long time. I might remember why once I start drinking this beer, but it could be another reason too. But seriously, all I've done so far is smell this beer. It smells rotten. Seriously, the worst smell I've ever smelled on a beer. Even the Busch light thats left overnight in my 115 degree garage in a red cup from a party the night before smells better. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it sure isn't pleasing. Especially as I have to put my nose into the glass to take a sip, I sit here wishing I could hold my breath. It actually looks like it would be a really good beer. Perfect color, but it didn't hold a head for very long at all.

Well again, the flying dog brewery has some pretty cool bottle artwork. It looks like a frankenstein-ed up dog. But I guess its just a really long neck wrapped around the body and coming up from the dogs back. Crazy shit. The best part about this beer so far is what the bottle says. I hope someone can relate to this. "Tired of those annoying 3AM hang-ups from your crazy, stalking EX? Turns out the same qualities that make your EX so damn annoying make our Snake Dog IPA so attractive. Chock full of bitterness, bite and attitude, it slaps you in the face with flavor. Just like your psycho EX did at the bar last weekend." haha I love that. Well I really don't remember what my previous beef with India Pale Ales was, but I don't hate this one so much except for the smell. But I got that pretty much masked right now by the smell of the pizza baking in the oven. Mmmm Chicago style Deep Dish. Shout out to Lou Malnati's in Buffalo Grove, IL. 
Well that quote on the bottle pretty much described the beer. Bitter with a bite. It's kinda dry too. Leaves you with a bit of cotton mouth I'd say. Or cotton throat I guess. Or both. But it's also got my glands goin all crazy. My mouth is watering like mad right now, so it's like fixing the cotton mouthy-ness on its own. What else can say that it does that? It tastes good on my lips tho, the little lip smack after taking a sip is an extra reward. 

OK so I don't really know why it's called India Pale Ale (IPA). I didn't know India had anything to do with brewing beer. So I googled it, and let me try to summarize the wiki page so you can understand it too.

IPA descends from the earliest pale ales of the 17th century. The term "pale ale" originally denoted an ale which had been brewed from pale malt.By the mid-18th century, pale ale was mostly manufactured with coke-fired malt, which produced less smoking and roasting of barley in the malting process, and hence produced a paler beer.Demand for the export style of pale ale, which had become known as "India Pale Ale," developed in England around 1840 and India Pale Ale became a popular product in England. Some brewers dropped the term "India" in the late 19th century, but records indicated that these "pale ales" retained the features of earlier IPA. American, Australian and Canadian brewers manufactured beer with the label IPA before 1900, and records suggest that these beers were similar to English IPA of the era.Before January 1835, and for some time after this date, this style of beer was referred to as "pale ale as prepared for India", "India Ale", "pale India ale" or "pale export India ale".

Sorry, thats the best info I can get for ya. So I guess, because they shipped some of these first pale ales to india because of problems with russia, it was called india pale ale? Hmmm whatever, I'm still not sure how it's different from Pale Ale. I guess that because of the long shipping time to get to india in those days, extra hops and therefore higher alcohol by volume were cause. Usually a beer cant withstand long storage and extreme temp changes. Otherwise you get skunk beer. (I don't know, this beer smells pretty skunky to me). But hell, this beer is a 7.1% abv beer. And I know I haven't had more than 2 sticks of string cheese to eat today, but I can feel it hitting me. Damn I cannot wait for this pizza! Whoever invents a deep dish that cooks well in 15 are god. 45 minutes is a torturous amount of time to wait for pizza! Oh wait I'm supposed to be reviewing beer. Fuck. Well the more of this beer I drink, the better I like it. And the drunker I get I suppose. But I wouldn't open a second bottle to eat with my pizza or order another at a bar. I think that the last time I tried for an IPA was when I was at a microbrewery and I wanted to try every single beer they made (thank god I didn't drive that night!). Well yeah this beer is treating me pretty well except for the smell, which I can't smell anymore because of this pizza! I respect the beer. 7.5 out of 10 on my palate. Check out the snake dog!

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