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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5. New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale

Well, before I even taste this beer, I'll let you know that black beers scare me, and aren't my favorite. Although a trip to Ireland and tour of the Guinness brewery along with multiple Guinness's opened me up to this side of beers, they still aren't my favorite. But off to the actual taste...

1554 actual reminds me exactly of Guinness. Color, taste, aftertaste, head, everything. I might not be able to tell the difference between the two, but I can't say I can tell a difference between them without having both of them in front of me, and I don't see that happening any time soon unless somebody gifts me a Guinness. This beer is good tho, it smells really good. I love drinking it out of this glass, because my knows goes straight into the glass to get a great up close smell.
I've always appreciated New Belgium beers. They seem like a cool company, and they'd better be because Belgium makes good beer, so a New Belgium had better make some good ones too! (Although new isn't always good or better...) According to their website (, this beer has a 5.6% abv and 200 calories. Hmmm sorta dessert-y style. This chart was pretty cool, mapping the flavors. They had this on their site under their beer. What do you think?
Well that chart can pretty much tell you how it tastes. It's actually an interesting story, because according to New Belgium, their original recipe was destroyed in a flood in 1997, so they flew to Belgium, did some research, and developed a new recipe. Sweet. Must have been fun. I like the fact that the company is an employee owned company, and don't have some giant over them. Only beer people should control the making of beer! I rate this beer at an 8.5

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