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Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3. Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager

"Good people drink good beer." - Hunter S. Thompson.

Thats what this beer tells me before I even open the bottle. Well, The bottle art is pretty cool, considering it looks like 2 crazy mosquitos are about to attack me. But the best part of this brew is the side of the bottle, saying "Some itches can't be scratched. Like your fantasy involving latex and flavored lotions. So it's best to concentrate on the ones you can scratch. Like your itch for this Amber Lager with a malty, mellow flavor. As for your other fantasies, you'll probably need to find a chat room for those." from

Another American beer to actually label the abv on the bottle. At 5.5% abv, for an amber lager, it's actually a quite decent beer. I don't feel overwhelmed by the flavor, but again, I wouldn't drink this all night unless I could afford it. As Hunter S. Thompson said, good people drink good beer. I see myself as a good person, and this is a very good beer. Their website claims that it is fermented at medium temperatures to develop both lager and an ale characteristics. Thats something you should appreciate. If someone is spending time to develop the flavor of their beer like this, they know what's going on. I've never had a drink from the flying dog brewery before, but I wish I could visit.

I appreciate a company that spends time on appreciating both the taste and the look of the bottle, just like they did here. I'm sipping this beer, trying to remember what this beer reminds me of, but to tell you the truth, I think it has a flavor of it's own. The phrase "amber lager", if you know beer, is, what I would say is the description of this beer. I know plenty of  companies have claimed to have an amber lager, but here, you can actually taste what an amber lager is.

This beer has won 6 medals in the past 6 years, including gold and silver in The Great American Beer Festival and the World Beer Cup. Only one bronze in 2007, but nobody likes 2007 anyways. Tagging itself to pair with cajun, spicy, hearty, and roasted foods, this beer distinguishes itself from most others, because people ACTUALLY cook these foods. I can just imagine going to Papadeaux's or some other cajun food place, and this beer would be amazing to counteract the spiciness of cajun food, or the heartiness of a beef stew.

I've only been to Maryland once in my life, but I was most definitely not old enough to drink beer, and at the same time, this beer probably wasn't even around. Just kidding, this shit is as old as my brother. Started in 1990, they've had 20 years to get here, and boy have they earned it. It's wiki site claims that it was the first brewpub to open in Aspen, CO in 100 years, and one of the first to open in the Rocky Mountain Region of the US. Flying Dog makes me think of all the other craft breweries in the states, and how I wish I could review them all. This beer will warm you up inside, and keep you drinking until the blissful end. I want to rate this beer, on the amber scale, an 8.9, and on the american beer scale, id give it much closer to about 9.2 out of 10. This beer is one more of the great things to come off the shelves of a liquor store. I don't get the chance to try new beverages all of the time, but this is one that I can see myself bringing to a dinner party. A truly sophisticated brew.

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