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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21. Ayinger Celebrator Double Bock

Hmm another famous Doppelbock. I don't mind. I remember buying this bottle, it looks pretty cool and it comes with this charm kinda thing tied around the neck that is a ram (I think). Anyways, I told you all before about the Bock style of beer, and this is another famous one from bavaria. Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock. It smells great. Compared to the Salvator that I recently tried, this beer is much darker and has much more body to it than the Salvator. The label claims that it is the "Finest Bavarian Double Bock Beer."  Well, don't they all claim that their beer is the best? Or does using the word "finest" mean that it's fancier?
It's not as dark as it looks in that picture, but it's pretty dark. Not as dark as a stout, and doesn't taste all chocolate-y like some other beers that are so dark like this. In europe, they pretty much only have 2 sizes of beer. .5L and .33L or 330mL, which is the size bottle this beer comes in. A typical American (among others) beer is 12oz, this one equals out to 11.2oz. However, it doesn't look smaller, and I guess it shouldn't. .8oz isn't very much when you think of a whole beer. However, with a smaller size, it definitely comes with a greater abv at 6.7%.
As you can see, the bottle has a pretty interesting and "fancy" label. This beer is one of the best rated beers, getting 98 points from the beverage tasting institute according to the BevMo! website. On an interesting note, the Privatbrauerei Aying (Ayinger Brewery) is located 25km outside of Munich, meaning that it cannot partake in the city's annual Oktoberfest, so Ayinger organizes smaller events around that time of year so that people can still appreciate their beer. Check this out though!
 Sweet little charm-dealio-thing. Maybe I'll make it into a necklace or a bracelet or something haha. But anyways, this beer is nice and has a warm nutty flavor to it. I wouldn't drink these beers all day, and I couldn't even finish a 6-pack of it, but one is very nice, I could handle 2 as well. 9.5 out of 10 rating by me. But be warned, this beer comes with a price for its size!

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