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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 24. Merry Christmas. Stiegl Goldbräu!

When you hear the date 1492, what do you think? Well if you said Stiegl Bier began being brewed on that day, you're totally correct. Anything else that happened that year is irrelevant. Stiegl Goldbräu Premium Lager is probably my favorite, and the best tasting beer ever in my opinion, and I'm not just saying this because both this beer and my relatives come from Salzburg, Austria; I mean it. 
This was the first beer I ever drank, and it will be the last when the day comes. I enjoy this beer as often as possible, but a bottle of this isn't as cheap in the states as it is in Austria. But I'm fine with splurging on this beer! Brewed in Salzburg, Austria since 1492 in the center of the old city with a restaurant at the base of the fortress, I'm sure even Mozart has tasted this beer. I would say that Stiegl Goldbräu is probably the most popular beer in Austria, and it needs to become more popular everywhere else so that i can buy it in bulk as if I were in Austria :) This is the beer who's company gave me the idea for the MANdvent Calendar. I couldn't get one sent out to Arizona, so I made my own version. I am not sure what is in their advent calendar, but now you know what was in mine. Check out pretty much everything about them at their website, or even look them up on facebook. 
The beer is fairly clear while it is still a perfect golden color. You might think it is a "light" beer, but this beer is every bit as full as any other beer. It might only have a 4.9% abv, but these guys know what they're doing and they have been brewing the beer for longer than most breweries have been around. It doesn't have much of a smell to it, but it has a nice crisp refreshing taste to it. It pours with a nice foamy head that keeps for quite a while. The design on the bottle and can is probably the most simple of any kind of beer. Red and white, the colors of austria. 
Well this beer is the best way to finish off an advent calendar, and a good way to start off and finish a Christmas. I hope everybody gets a chance to try some of these beers, I know I've already pushed a few people into drinking ones that I've discovered this month. If you ever have a beer you'd like me to try, just send me a message or comment, and I'd be happy to. I have a couple more beers stocked up that I'll be reviewing coming up, so keep checking back! Happy Drinking everybody and Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 23. Grolsch Premium Lager

Ok, besides being a chill ass bottle, Grolsch is an amazing beer. Yes I've had this one before too. It is like the father of all beers from Holland. It's like Heineken actually made a really good beer for once. It's like Holland can do more than one good "green" thing. This simple bottle doesn't need its contents to be poured in a glass. It comes with it's own swing-top (at least on the bigger bottles). That's the best way to save a beer. So, you don't exactly want to finish it right now, or you just want your fridge to look a million times a bottle (or a few of) Grolsch Premium Lager. Previous experience will lead me to tell you that Heineken can suck it! When you open up a bottle of beer and it pops loud like a bottle of champagne, thats a chill beer. Swing top? Chill bro. Smells like the most amazing hops ever. GROLSCH. This is a bottle you want to keep, even when you're done with drinking what is inside!
 This beer is pure simplicity with magnificent taste! The smell is powerful and the scent of hops will give you a kick in the nose! The taste will give you a kick in the teeth...idk...mouth? tongue? tastebuds? BODY!?! I feel like their website has a lot going on, and I can't totally handle it. But I know it would be worth it if I cared about a lot more than just the taste of this beer. Events, Explore, Inspire? Art? They have a huge website, and I just watched one of the best SNL commercials ever. MEGA MART! But it's all good, because there is a new random one every time you refresh the page. What a great website for the curious person. I will defo be back to check all this out. Even the wiki page makes me go a little crazy for this beer. There's so much to know, I just don't want to have to spill it all! But, it's owned by Miller, and no longer Anheiser Busch. I like that. Read this wiki page, it's got a lot to tell you.

With a 5% abv, this beer has the most distinguishing taste of any pilsner or lager you have ever tasted. If you have never tried it, you just have to know, that you've never tasted ANYthing like this beer. If you tell me it tastes like Heineken, I will kick your ass. Holland and Amsterdam might have a lot of the same product, but this brewery knows how to use it. I really love the extreme hoppy smell to this beer, and even if I don't breathe in, I can smell it right before I take a sip. The bottle is an odd 15.2 fl. oz size, but Grolsch did this for a reason. Grolsch is the first major brewery to stop using the brown refillable bottle that is used by almost every brewery in the Netherlands. The new green bottles have the Grolsch logo marked in the glass and come in a new package. The label is now placed higher at the neck of the bottle and it contains 10% more beer (now 33cl). The new bottle was introduced through the slogan 'Bier mag weer gezien worden' which translates roughly into 'Beer may be seen again'. Damn I wish I could speak Dutch. It's like a retarded German, or a 5 year old American trying to spell German. Anyways, I can't comment on the color of this beer as I will never pour it into a glass. It is the best straight out of a bottle. The smell is great, the taste is great. Solid 9.9 rated beer. It's available almost everywhere, including most supermarkets, so I suggest you go out and try it already. You won't be disappointed. I've been buying this beer since before I was even legal in the US, and I have never regreted it, but always appreciated everything about it! Merry Christmas Eve Eve, wherever you might be. Last beer of the MANdvent Caldendar is tomorrow. Be prepared. Be very prepared! (plus, I might have a special +1 review of another beer for you all ;) so be sure to check these out). Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 22. Flying Dog Tire Bite Golden Ale

Hey everybody, just rolled in to Pagosa Springs, CO for a few days, and it's damn cold up hurr! Just found the only open liquor store around, which just happened to be next to the only chill bar, according to the liquor guy. Actually, we originally went to the gas station where they have no alcohol, and he told us to go way down the street to the only place that would sell liquor at this time of we were crossing the road, we saw a liquor store that said open, and guess what? It was. So we stocked up! Party tonight cause this cabin is FUCKING COLDDD!!!! Gotta drink up to warm up! So what's on the menu here tonight? Flying Dog Tire Bite Golden Ale. It is what it says. Golden Ale. It is nice and cold and tastes just perfect, like drinking a light beer, without losing any taste! Well don't give me shit but this is the only glass I could find to pour it in...

Well there really is no distinguished smell to this beer, just a little bit of hops, which is just fine. I'm not eating it, so I like it. Another beer for a warm summer day. Unfortunately, I'm in a cold as FUCK winter night! Wrong... Well as my friends sit over by the fire trying to warm up, I'm standing here in front of a heater wearing some slip on shoes (damn tile flooring!) and trying to drink and warm up, so there's not really much I am going to get in to tonight. You all know about Flying Dog and how much I like their beers, so again, I'm recommending this one to you.

Sorry, my fingers just froze and I had to sit in front of the heater for a while. (I guess space bars equal time passed)

I freaking love the artwork on these bottles haha, it's just so comical. Who draws this shit? Oh, wait. I'm sure it says on the bottle...or maybe thats some other beer? No it totally says, but I can't read that signature, so respect to you dude or lady. Funny stuff.

"Know how to spot a stupid dog? Just look for the one biting the tire of the car tha's rnning over it. Know how to spot a smart one? He'll be lapping up our refreshing Golden Ale. This perfect warm-weather beer goes down so easy, you'll be lifting your leg all over town. Smart dog."

Haha they know me too well. Peeing in public and feeding my dog beer. You caught me!
So this beer has a 5.1% abv which is pretty much perfect for the style of beer it represents. Can't wait to drink more of these in the hot summer! Or at least back home in Arizona where it doesn't get cold! 9 out of 10 because I'm cold right now, and I hate being cold. Peace out from Pagosa Springs/Wolf Creek!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21. Ayinger Celebrator Double Bock

Hmm another famous Doppelbock. I don't mind. I remember buying this bottle, it looks pretty cool and it comes with this charm kinda thing tied around the neck that is a ram (I think). Anyways, I told you all before about the Bock style of beer, and this is another famous one from bavaria. Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock. It smells great. Compared to the Salvator that I recently tried, this beer is much darker and has much more body to it than the Salvator. The label claims that it is the "Finest Bavarian Double Bock Beer."  Well, don't they all claim that their beer is the best? Or does using the word "finest" mean that it's fancier?
It's not as dark as it looks in that picture, but it's pretty dark. Not as dark as a stout, and doesn't taste all chocolate-y like some other beers that are so dark like this. In europe, they pretty much only have 2 sizes of beer. .5L and .33L or 330mL, which is the size bottle this beer comes in. A typical American (among others) beer is 12oz, this one equals out to 11.2oz. However, it doesn't look smaller, and I guess it shouldn't. .8oz isn't very much when you think of a whole beer. However, with a smaller size, it definitely comes with a greater abv at 6.7%.
As you can see, the bottle has a pretty interesting and "fancy" label. This beer is one of the best rated beers, getting 98 points from the beverage tasting institute according to the BevMo! website. On an interesting note, the Privatbrauerei Aying (Ayinger Brewery) is located 25km outside of Munich, meaning that it cannot partake in the city's annual Oktoberfest, so Ayinger organizes smaller events around that time of year so that people can still appreciate their beer. Check this out though!
 Sweet little charm-dealio-thing. Maybe I'll make it into a necklace or a bracelet or something haha. But anyways, this beer is nice and has a warm nutty flavor to it. I wouldn't drink these beers all day, and I couldn't even finish a 6-pack of it, but one is very nice, I could handle 2 as well. 9.5 out of 10 rating by me. But be warned, this beer comes with a price for its size!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 20. New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale

Well again, I'm pretty sure that I've had one of these before. Thats what happens when you pick a holiday pack and then blindly pick out of your 30 some beers. New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale, or as everybody knows it by as just Fat Tire, is New Belgium's most popular beer. Hell, when I first had it, I thought that Fat Tire was the whole brand's name. Well I'm wrong sometimes, but you know...
Sorry for the background btw, I'm at my parents house now for the holidays. But anyways, I'm sure pretty much everybody has had a chance to try this beer and knows what it tastes like. If not, what are you waiting for? It's not their most popular beer for no special reason. Named in honor of the founder of New Belgium Brewing Co, Jeff Lebesch's bike trip through Belgium, Fat Tire Amber Ale marks a turning point in the young electrical engineer's home brewing. This beer has a 5.2% abv with a very malty smell and foamy, malty taste. I'm pretty sure that this is the beer I think about when I think about what an Ale tastes like. Or should taste like. I'm not sure if it's just me, but the beer is just a familiar, pleasing taste suitable for any palate. There's not really too much I can say about this beer, but I do like it. I don't go out of my way to get it, however, but if it's an option compared to one of the "Light" beers, of course I'm taking one of these! Overall, I'd say this beer is worth an 8 or an 8.5 out of 10. Familiarness, non-complicated, good tasting, easily available. I also might not have much to say because I just did 8 hours of driving. So I'm off until tomorrow. Only 4 days left till the big 2-4!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19. Paulaner Salvator Double Bock (Dopple Bock)

So, another Paulaner beer this week. I hope this ones a bit better, but it is a Bock beer, actually, a Double Bock beer, technically its Doppel Bock. Damn them changing all their names from German...Paulaner is a German brewery, established in the early 17th century in Munich by the Minim friars of the Neudeck ob der Au cloister. The mendicant order and the brewery are named after Francis of Paola, the founder of the order. Paulaner ranks number 8 among Germany's best selling breweries. The best part about these old beers from Germany is that they were all started in cloister's by monks. It's interesting that this is yet another brewery owned in part by the Heinekin Co. Paulaner belongs to the BHI (Brau Holding International AG), a joint venture between Schörghuber Ventures (50.1%) and with the Netherlands' Heineken N.V. (49.9%). 
Well anyways, this is a total christmastime beer. Full, warm, flavorful and bold. At 7.9% abv, this is on the lower scale of the bock beer abv charts. It smells great and like it would be a very heavy beer, but with a taste, it is so full of flavor and warmth, I could drink this in the snow in northern Russia and feek great about it. (Why Russia? I'm watching this movie right now called Night Watch, part of a trilogy, check it out.) I was expecting something a lot darker, but this looks something more like iced tea. 
"The Savior," as it would be translated, is what the Monks referred to this beer as. This beer was the origin of the Munich Doppelbock brewing style. According to Paulaner, this beer has been brewed since 1634 and it, "remains to be the Benchmark to which all Double-Bock beers are measured." Hey thats something worthy right? The origin of this kind of beer. Step up and meet this taste or get out? Well, I would agree. This beer will be my standard for measuring dopplebock beers now. It has such a great flavor that it makes my mouth water. Actually, it feels like my mouth is brewing beer, because I know I've already swallowed, but instead of watering, it feels like more beer just keeps filling up in my mouth. Historically, doppelbock was lower in alcohol and sweeter, thus serving as "liquid bread" for the monks during times of fasting, when solid food was not permitted. So legit. Liquid bread. Haha, when they make a version of it that tastes like liquid garlic bread, I'm all in. If you've ever brewed your own beer (and you really should try it, a Mr. Beer kit is really shitty, but probably only about 20 to 40 bucks and you get to make like 12 gallons of beer or something with it. Not totally sure, it's been a while since I've brewed, but it is really fun) you can taste and smell the syrup-y malt that they give you to help you brew. Thats what makes this kind of beer so dark, and so flavorful. 
I would be very interested in comparing many bock beers together, however, because of the style, you would totally need a palate cleanser in between tastings. This beer's flavor just doesn't leave you, and thats a good thing. With how many different beers there are in Germany, this one is definitely done well by Paulaner. My favorite out of all of their beers, that is for sure. 9.5 rating by me, and I promise myself I will visit this brewery someday. As the beer that made bock beers famous, I say thank you to Paulaner and those old Monks.  

Day 18. New Belgium Trippel

This sounds like such a random beer. I mean, I don't even cook with coriander. I don't know what it even tastes like. It sounds like a mediterranean herb or something. And this ale has 7.8% abv?? Crazy. I just poured it and it looks like a "light" beer. Or I guess a "normal" beer would be more like it. Usually with something so high in abv, I expect a much darker beer, but this should be fun because it's light in color.
This beer is pretty crazy, it smells like a flower. It tastes like amazingness. Wow, not at all what I was expecting, and very pleased to have it. I was actually eating food with this beer, and I just pushed my plate away because it doesn't taste as good as everything that this beer is. I love it. Taste, look, smell...all a 10. My food sucks, this beer rocks! I like the flavor attribute flower from their website, its interesting how it shows you what you're going to get out of this beer.
This has been by far one of my favorite beers, and I'm going to be looking for it in the future. I'm surprised that it's not some special brew in a huge bottle that cost 11.99. Thanks to New Belgium, I won't have to shell out excessive amounts of money for a decent 6 pack next time. I don't know what coriander is like, but I'm going to have to try using some if that's what makes this beer so flavorful. Yes, the beer is spelled Trippel, but it's just pronounced triple. Smooth and strong beer, and also a decent amount of sweetness, but not overly sweet like others I've had. Totally amazing beer, go out and try it. It would be a good beer to share with your family and friends over the holidays. Not much longer now!

Day 17 Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat Hefeweizen

Ok, I would say "2 Hefeweizen beers in a row, crazy!" but truth is, if you're following this, you know I'm 3 days behind! Ah what a crazy weekend!

Also, I'm getting pretty tired of all the Flying Dog brews as it seems it's nothing special any more. But, In-Heat Wheat is a surprisingly well done beer.
I don't know how I feel about the name. In-Heat What. With some crazy looking dog on the label that looks like it's ready to get pounded...and then you have to taste their beer...AWKWARD! But no, thinking about it like that still doesn't make it taste bad. It's good, actually. A really smooth weißbier, and very refreshing. It smells wheat-y, and doesn't have an overpowering taste, nor is it heavy. Cold, refreshing, light. Just how a weißbier should taste. The addition of malted white wheat gives this brew its smooth, full mouthfeel. A proprietary yeast creates intriguing flavors of bananas and cloves. Bananas and cloves you question? It's a beer, I don't understand, you say? Come on, it's weißbier, get used to it. It's not like you're actually going to be eating a banana! Or drinking one for that fact. Go make me a smoothie! These people know what's up! Straight from the bottle, like I've been telling you before:

We didn't brew this German-style Hefeweizen with its award-winning flavor just so you could wing a lemon slice in it for showmanship. You're not getting style points from us. Germans [nor Austrians ;)] don't drink it that way, so save your attention-grabbing tactics for the karaoke stage, OK? OK.

Don't fruit the beer man! Here's another reason why I think Miller Lite actually know's whats up.

Good call boys. Ladies, you don't need fruit in your beer either. Get a mixed drink or shut it. Anyways, now that I'm over with that again...In-Heat Wheat. Like the name, I think this beer would be great on a hot day. Drink it in the heat, not when you're dog is in heat. You don't want to hear some crazy dog weird moaning noises while you're enjoying this. Just pour it in a glass, drink it out of the bottle, it's all good. This is one of the least alcoholic beers I've had lately at 4.7% abv. My only problem with it is that even though it was a wheat beer, I didn't notice any sediment, and was wondering how "unfiltered" it actually was. Even Bud Light Golden Wheat has some sed at the bottom. I didn't notice anything. I did notice that it wasn't as strong of a wheat taste as some other weiß beers, so I would consider it one of the lighter styles of the weißbier.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16. Paulaner Hefe-Weizen (Hefe-Weißbier)

Ok so I have had this beer before, but I haven't had it in a really long time, so I thought it would be OK to put it in the mix. Paulaner Hefe-Weizen. It's sort of strange how they translate the name in english just because of the ß or something. Weißbier is Weißbier, I'm not really sure if there is a difference between Hefewizen and Weißbier, they're pretty much the same thing. There are many things to love about Weißbier, and I am so down to try any one that I can. Directly translated in German “Hefe” means yeast and “Weizen” means wheat. Hefeweizen is a unfiltered, top fermented, bottle conditioned German wheat beer with noticeable yeast sediment and a hazy appearance. 
If you're going to drink a Weißbier, I really recommend you drink it out of the proper style of glass. It looks better, and it tastes better. You have to drink it out of a Wiezen glass. AND NO FRUIT! No Lemon, no orange, nothing! It will ruin the head! and the flavor! Here, I'm using a Franziskaner Weißbier glass that I permanently borrowed from my favorite bar in Salzburg. People break these all the time so they don't mind that I kept one as a souvenir. :) But I'll admit, I wish I was drinking the Franziskaner beer. Paulaner just isn't the same. It has a good look to it, and a decent taste. Perfect head too of course. So, who here knows how to actually pour a Weißbier? Even if you drink Bud Light Golden Wheat, you'll notice there are some floaters in there. Well thats the unfiltered stuff. The good stuff. It's what makes a beer a meal! You should notice that you can't see through this type of Weißbier. It is only the filtered ones known as Kristallweiß that are clear like a regular lager. 
And of course, a real German Weißbier like this is served as .5 Litres. Yes, they translate it for you Americans as 1 pint 9 ounces and call it an ale, but seriously...this just shows Americans how stupid the Germans know so many people are. I'm pretty sure that 5.5% abv is normal for a Weißbier, but I've had stronger. These are usually meant more as summer beers, but today is our first cold day of winter in Arizona and I'm drinking it anyways. Wow, December 16th in Arizona and it's under 75 degrees for once. Well, I guess it's technically still fall, but I mean WTF, how am I supposed to keep my beers cold like these people?
Best fridge in the world!!!! That will totally keep your beers cold, and your tequila too. I don't know, whatever you do Canada, I'm sure you do it to keep you warm, right? Well I guess I should be reviewing this beer a little more. It sort of leaves a dry taste in your mouth, but there is still a lot of flavor. It's not the best Weißbier, but it's decent. I do have a Franziskaner in the fridge, might have to crack that baby open...but no really, If I could go check out this brewery, I would, considering that it's one of the largest in Germany. Since 1634, pretty Impressive. But then there's Weihenstephaner that has been brewing beer and Weißbier since 1080. 600 years is quite the advantage on making something perfect...but Budweiser just started their Wheat Beer this year or something, so it's a total step ahead there. There commercials are pretty random, but that's led them to even having a spoof made, but you won't understand this unless you know German. Well yeah, find someone to translate this for you, then laugh. Bavarians...tschh. 
Anyways, I love Weißbier, Hefe-Weizen, whatever you want to call it. There's good, better, and best, and there is of course the bad ones, but I try not to buy bad beers (unless they came in that damn holiday pack...) but you buy these in a single bottle here, or whatever you want to mix it up with in Germany. I'll give this one a solid 8, but I think they can do some tweaks and make a special edition or something that has a little more flavor to it. If you've never had a weißbier, well now you know, so go try one! Oh and for those of you that are confused by the "ß" thing, its just two s's pretty much, so Weissbier, but it looks better with the ß :D (and no, its not a B, and not pronounced with a "B" noise. How many of you read through this to this point pronouncing it "Weib-beer"? haha I'd love to head about that in the comments...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 15. Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner

So yesterday I was giving myself shit for having so many beers from the same companies pop up, and guess what, today I've got another Coney Island. Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner from the Schmaltz Brewing Co. I love Pilsner beers though so this shouldn't give me too hard a time. The bottle actually looks pretty sweet. I'd be down to have that painted on my wall somewhere. The beer actually pours and holds quite amazing tho. Like I said, a good beer will hold a good head for a long time. This one is doing it. I cooked chicken and noodles in between pouring and taking some sips, and it's still got a head to it! Amazing.

You know it does more than look cool and look like it tastes good, it actually does taste good. Great I'd say. It's much like any other pilsner but it has that little extra taste  at the end that just makes it finish off great. Hoppy and smells like a beer should smell. Refreshing to drink. I could drink these all day, thats for sure. 5.0% abv is pretty standard and works just fine for me. I think my favorite part to this bottle is that it says on it, "When beer tastes this good and you don't have scurvy you don't need a lime!" True statement. Don't fruit the beer! Thats one of my biggest pet peeves about some bars, they bring my my beer and a slice of orange or lime or lemon. NO! And these guys know it.
Take some time to check out this beer on their website. I'm a little rushed now, but you know how it goes. 
All in all, I'd give this beer an 8.5 out of 10. Really decent and refreshing. If I can find it without all their other beers in the same box, I'd be really happy!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14. Flying Dog Road Dog Porter

Great, another black beer. And another Flying Dog beer. I'm sort of getting annoyed at myself for allowing myself to buy multi packs/beer sampler packs because I feel like I'm reviewing and drinking too much of the same kind of beer, even though they are different types, they're from the same brewery. Two was cool, more is just getting kind of annoying. But truthfully, I had 35 some beers and I put one of each out and blindly plucked and placed, so I can't say I chose to put these all here. Now to the beer. Road Dog Porter from Flying Dog Brewery. The label even says, "Good beer, no shit." They'd better keep to their word, or I want a refund. You can't say stuff like that on the label and it sucks. That'd be bullcrap!

Mmmm wow, this is like chocolate beer. I feel like I'm drinking desert and I haven't even had my dinner yet! (It's cooking as I type, however.) It's actually pretty good, but again, not for those people who want to drink it all day (maybe if you're Irish). It has a good taste, good flavor. Very thick tasting beer, and very rich. The bottle has pretty much the strangest drawing on it ever. Some kind of jailhouse clown? I don't know, but they wrote about it on the label,

"Road Dog was the first label Ralph Steadman designed which later inspired Hunter S. Thompson's 'Road Dog' essay. (Ok, anybody ever heard of it? Cause I haven't) We then spent four years fighting for the right to display their now famous quote 'Good Beer No Shit.' To make a long story short, we won. Let us hoist a pint to free speech, NO CENSORSHIP, the genius of Ralph Steadman nd the Gonzo spirit of Hunter S. Thompson."

Ok, I have some problems with this. They spent 4 years just trying to get their label to be able to say "Good Beer No Shit" ? Well I really hope they spent time developing a good recipe too, or something else. Because four years on a label seems like a waste of time. You're making beer here, not getting rated on your language or forwardness. Whatever you call it. ALSO, this is NOT, and I repeat, NOT a pint of beer! This is 12 ounces of beer (Porter). A pint is around 16. Disappointing. Especially because all beers should be at least a pint. .5L would be best. Well anyways, this beer has a 6.0% abv, not bad. Not kicking me on my ass, not putting me to sleep. BTW, just checked their website, and it said it was 5 years of working on getting the label to say "Good Beer, No Shit". Fuckin liars! Well I'm not here to judge on the label, just partially. The taste is good, it's a fun beer, but I want to dock it points for it's label. could have been an 8 or even more, but I'm just going to give it a 7 because I hate liars. Interesting though that they claim a swarm of bats hovers over the brewhouse during the process. I wonder if thats a lie too...Next time I have this, it will be with molten lava chocolate cake or chocolate something. I bet that'd be sweet.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13. North Coast PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale

Words cannot even BEGIN to describe how excited I have been to try this beer! North Coast PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale. Belgian. Golden. Ale. Three amazing words in one sentence, can't beat that! OK, really the first big reason I'm so excited and curious about this beer is because I think I remember busting out quite a pretty penny for this 4 pack of beers, where the other 3 are sitting in wait in the garage. Ok Ok, it wasn't ridiculous, but 8 bux for a 4 pack is a little steep for 12 oz bottles. The cool thing is, that Bevmo sells this puppy in keg size! So if I do like it, I just need all of my friends to chip in for the 200 dollar party we're about to have. No big deal right? Damn that would be a big party. Maybe I'll wait.
Ok, really, doesn't that picture just look amazing? I feel ashamed to have to post mine, but I will. My bottle doesn't look like that either, but a corked bottle would be cool! Another crazy thing about this beer, is that it's only an Ale, but it has 7.6%abv. Whaaat??? Thats just crazy right? I haven't really eaten all day, so it's quite possible this could do some damage haha. Wait, I can't psych myself out before I've even tried this beer, so let me go pour it...

WHOA! That is THE craziest taste I have EVER tasted in my LIFE! The beer had no head really, just a little fuzz like a soda pop would when you pour it out of the bottle, but its so golden and even a slight cloudiness to it. It's tastes a liiiiiiittle like a wheat beer, but not quite the sourness. This beer has a good sweetness to it, and even though it had no head, it fizzes in your mouth. It tastes a bit like apricot beer, such as the Pyramid Audacious Apricot Ale (which is one of my favorites, but I went in to this month making it my goal to try new beers). This is like Blue Moon meets Audacious Apricot, and then they had an awesome baby.
Belgian beers have been showing up more and more in my life, and its no wonder, that when they taste this good, that they should exist. The bottle makes me feel like I'm drinking from an old style, Prohibition era bottle. The picture is full of happy, olden days, probably drunk, people. Oh, they are ALL fat too. This is not a freakin Mich' Ultra, I'm sure it's got a good calorie count to it, but I don't care. I'm the kind of person that melts cheese on top of butter and eats it. Yeah thats right, and I still barely tip 150. No, but seriously, this beer is awesome, no crazy scent to it, just a really awesome taste. I guess it can be true that more money can buy a better beer, but hey everybody, this tastes too good to be sitting next to my computer while I type about it. I'm off to enjoy this, and I highly recommend you pick up a case too if you can. Or get the keg and invite me over. Remember, 7.6% alcohol, this ain't a beer for your beer pong party. Respect the good beers, abuse the shitty (occasionally, or not...I'm not condoling binge drinking here...sorta. I think my parents might read this.) Perfect 10 beer. I'll be the first to give it an 11 when I see it with a nice foamy head. Flavor is amazing, not fruity, but good bit of apricot.

I've never heard of Fort Bragg, CA, but they can brag all they want about this beer. And they have plenty others at this brewery as well. Around 15 beers AND it's a restaurant. I would totally love to eat at this place. People who make good beer have amazing chefs. The website even gives you Beer/Food pairings and Beer/Cheese pairings...say what!?! Plus, they're even so down with themselves, that they have some of their recipes posted on the website. I know what I'm making this Christmas! Check it, a recipe with one of their beers for MAC & CHEESE! I think I'm in love. Trying this ASAP, will report back when I've done it! But now I really must go and enjoy this without making my fingers tired. GO OUT AND SPEND MONEY ON THIS BEER! And their others too, why not, they can't be bad when this is so good!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12. Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA

I'll start off by saying that I haven't had an IPA in a long time. I might remember why once I start drinking this beer, but it could be another reason too. But seriously, all I've done so far is smell this beer. It smells rotten. Seriously, the worst smell I've ever smelled on a beer. Even the Busch light thats left overnight in my 115 degree garage in a red cup from a party the night before smells better. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it sure isn't pleasing. Especially as I have to put my nose into the glass to take a sip, I sit here wishing I could hold my breath. It actually looks like it would be a really good beer. Perfect color, but it didn't hold a head for very long at all.

Well again, the flying dog brewery has some pretty cool bottle artwork. It looks like a frankenstein-ed up dog. But I guess its just a really long neck wrapped around the body and coming up from the dogs back. Crazy shit. The best part about this beer so far is what the bottle says. I hope someone can relate to this. "Tired of those annoying 3AM hang-ups from your crazy, stalking EX? Turns out the same qualities that make your EX so damn annoying make our Snake Dog IPA so attractive. Chock full of bitterness, bite and attitude, it slaps you in the face with flavor. Just like your psycho EX did at the bar last weekend." haha I love that. Well I really don't remember what my previous beef with India Pale Ales was, but I don't hate this one so much except for the smell. But I got that pretty much masked right now by the smell of the pizza baking in the oven. Mmmm Chicago style Deep Dish. Shout out to Lou Malnati's in Buffalo Grove, IL. 
Well that quote on the bottle pretty much described the beer. Bitter with a bite. It's kinda dry too. Leaves you with a bit of cotton mouth I'd say. Or cotton throat I guess. Or both. But it's also got my glands goin all crazy. My mouth is watering like mad right now, so it's like fixing the cotton mouthy-ness on its own. What else can say that it does that? It tastes good on my lips tho, the little lip smack after taking a sip is an extra reward. 

OK so I don't really know why it's called India Pale Ale (IPA). I didn't know India had anything to do with brewing beer. So I googled it, and let me try to summarize the wiki page so you can understand it too.

IPA descends from the earliest pale ales of the 17th century. The term "pale ale" originally denoted an ale which had been brewed from pale malt.By the mid-18th century, pale ale was mostly manufactured with coke-fired malt, which produced less smoking and roasting of barley in the malting process, and hence produced a paler beer.Demand for the export style of pale ale, which had become known as "India Pale Ale," developed in England around 1840 and India Pale Ale became a popular product in England. Some brewers dropped the term "India" in the late 19th century, but records indicated that these "pale ales" retained the features of earlier IPA. American, Australian and Canadian brewers manufactured beer with the label IPA before 1900, and records suggest that these beers were similar to English IPA of the era.Before January 1835, and for some time after this date, this style of beer was referred to as "pale ale as prepared for India", "India Ale", "pale India ale" or "pale export India ale".

Sorry, thats the best info I can get for ya. So I guess, because they shipped some of these first pale ales to india because of problems with russia, it was called india pale ale? Hmmm whatever, I'm still not sure how it's different from Pale Ale. I guess that because of the long shipping time to get to india in those days, extra hops and therefore higher alcohol by volume were cause. Usually a beer cant withstand long storage and extreme temp changes. Otherwise you get skunk beer. (I don't know, this beer smells pretty skunky to me). But hell, this beer is a 7.1% abv beer. And I know I haven't had more than 2 sticks of string cheese to eat today, but I can feel it hitting me. Damn I cannot wait for this pizza! Whoever invents a deep dish that cooks well in 15 are god. 45 minutes is a torturous amount of time to wait for pizza! Oh wait I'm supposed to be reviewing beer. Fuck. Well the more of this beer I drink, the better I like it. And the drunker I get I suppose. But I wouldn't open a second bottle to eat with my pizza or order another at a bar. I think that the last time I tried for an IPA was when I was at a microbrewery and I wanted to try every single beer they made (thank god I didn't drive that night!). Well yeah this beer is treating me pretty well except for the smell, which I can't smell anymore because of this pizza! I respect the beer. 7.5 out of 10 on my palate. Check out the snake dog!

Day 11. Nectar Ales Humboldt Brown

OK, so, first order of business. I know I'm behind again by one day, but that tends to happen for me on Saturdays haha. BUT...I need a new design or casing for this MANdvent Calendar. I mean, the more days I open, it just looks worse. Next year, I'll try to do more planning and really make a case for this thing. It needs to be taller, hold beer better, and have actual doors or flaps or something for the days you open up. I have just been popping a hole in the top, and its all falling apart. I also don't like the fact that I can take sneak peaks at what my other beers are. This will change next time. Give me some ideas if you've got them!

Homeboldt Brown, all natural ale, brewed with hemp. This is gonna be interesting. Pot beer? Well it says 5.7%abv so it should be fun. I guess the company recently changed the name from Hemp Ale to Humboldt Brown. I don't know why, but on their website, it is still listed as Hemp Ale. And their bottle looks a little different then mine, but otherwise, it's the same beer. It actually looks like a coke. The color, the totally looks like I poured a coca-cola. Well anyways, it smells really good. Nice and nutty. I actually really like the taste too. Although it's not very carbonated, it tastes good as its in your mouth. The only downside, is that once you swallow, it's gone. There's no aftertaste. Whats with that?

Okay but really the funniest part of this beer is on their website. On the bottom of the page for this beer, it says Availability: California only (due to legal restrictions with hemp seeds). OK, I live in Arizona, so this is a lie. Update your site. Or what, just cause prop 203 just passed, we're allowed to have weed beer here too? Who knows, but seriously, get your site in order, because I didn't but this in Cali, I got it from Bevmo! The only hempyness of this beer, according to the site, is that they used hemp seeds (marijuana seeds), way to be PC guys... "adds an herbal nutty flavor...and a smile" HA. So lame. There is no flavor to seeds, I'm pretty sure of that. And if you're using toasted hemp seeds, I don't get it, and I think you're lying. I'm pretty sure those are expensive to purchase. They are legal, but expensive, and I think the purpose of hemp (besides the part that you smoke) is the plant's strength. Why brag about using seeds? The amount of seeds used for one beer could probably have given you leaves and enough mary jane to put you in jail for life. If you used what you said you did, and what you should have, that is...They're boasting about it's herb flavor, and they don't even use the "herb" wtf. Damn, I'm sure Canadians have a version of this that they did right. I have a feeling though that their version might do more than get you drunk. 
They could at least have some seeds or hemp plants drawn into the label. Well anyways, I just wish this beer had some more carbonation to it, and a taste that lingered a bit longer, and defo could use some work on the Hemp part. otherwise, what the hell is Humboldt Brown supposed to mean? It's brewed with green...Fuck it, I'm gonna finish this beer and open up another. 7 out of 10. Hey, C's get you in to college, I speak from experience. They help you graduate too ;)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 10. Krušovice Královský Pivovar Imperial

What a fancy bottle. Typical of the Czech beer I've had before such as Czechvar, all wrapped in gold and what not. It's quite an old brew though, since 1581 I guess according to the bottle. Krušovice Královský Pivovar. I'm pretty sure, that from my limited Czech, and extended beer knowledge, that Pivo means beer. Pivovar...idk. Well their website seems to be pretty interactive, but I don't really speak Czech so I couldn't tell you what it says.

It's really a bummer that I'm resorting to wiki to find out about this beer...and guess what. It's owned by the Heineken company. Damn, they're just buying everybody up! Well according to the wiki, this brewery was started in 1517. The brewery gained a contract to provide beer to Emperor Rudolf II in 1581, allowing them to use the Imperial Crown of Austria as part of the company's logo. Austria is king of beer, so I guess this would make sense ;). Well this beer comes in a 500mL bottle and only has 5.0% abv. not bad, nothing special. It poured nice, and kept a good head, but just doesn't taste amazing, and it sorta has a funky taste to it. What kind of beer makes your mouth dry after you take a sip? These Czech people must really just want you to keep drinking and get drunk. Really, theres nothing to go crazy about here. Yes, I would take it any day over a Budweiser beer, but there are plenty of other brews that easily top this one. I do like it, I just don't love it. Thumbs up though for a pretty bottle? 6.5 out of 10. It is a friday though, and I'm headed out to party, so the vast amounts of shit beer I'm about to drink tonight could lead me to change this to a much higher number as i tell the bottle I'm sorry!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 9. Primátor Premium Lager

Ooooh another Primátor beer! Well its a quarter past 2am, and I was about to go to bed, but I got hungry. So what goes good with food? My 9th day beer! I poured it into my glass, and it just looked like it belonged! Check out this photo set!

Ohhhh man just look at that foamy head roll down the sides of the glass! These pictures are amazing! Well I've already written you all about the history of Primátor, but just to remind you, it's a beer from the Czech Republic. It comes in 500mL bottles, or for those of you that don't know what that means, it's .5L or a half litre/liter. Maybe thats why Americans just make 12oz brews. So boring. Well to tell you what you don't know...this beer is pretty delicious. It had a great foamy head that it holds really well. You don't get that often, and when you do, it's amazing. I think that really makes a beer sometimes. It's a 5.0% abv, which is pretty much the normal for these European lagers. People in Europe or traveling to Europe always say that the beer there is so much stronger and blah blah blah compared to American beer. They think they can drink a million beers in the US and still be fine after getting acquainted to these European lagers. Well the truth is, it's pretty much the same alcohol content, sometimes less, but almost always in bigger bottles. If you're used to drinking this beer, and you come back to the US, you're right, Budwiser does taste like water. I mean, you're drinking the cheapest knock off beer in the world and comparing it to something with history. Of course it tastes like water and feels like you can drink a million of them, but really, it just doesn't taste as good as something like this here Primátor.
I really like the flavor of this Czech Pilsner brew. This beer is great, and I now have respect for the company. I don't remember the types of beer that I drank when I was in the Czech Republic last, but I'm pretty sure I would have remembered this one. This perfect light golden beer is exactly what you look for in a beer. It smells amazing too. The glass just asked me to pour it into him! It's premium beer, and they're not lying. Really. If I could buy this all the time, I probably would. 10 out of 10 for a pretty perfect beer. DRINK UP!

Day 8. New Belgium 2 Below Ale

Ohhmmmmm I think my beer just froze in my frozen glass ;) Quick, drink! This literally feels like the coldest beer I've ever had to drink. AND I LOVE IT! 2 Below Ale by New Belgium Brewing Company was just poured into my frozen glass, and it is lovely! I have been running a little slow lately due to the fact that I've been writing a 30 page and 10 page paper for the end of this semester, but hey, I just finished! And ohhh man, beer is one hell of a reward, especially this beer!

This deliciously amber colored ale makes my tongue tickle with excitement! And I'm not just saying that because I've been working so hard on my papers haha. However, I am surprised that I'm back at the computer writing right now, considering my fingers are about to fall off and my eyes are about to fall out! But I deserve this beer! Just like New Belgium says, "We like to think we beat winter at its own game..."Well I live in Arizona, and, I mean it's not hard to do here, but I'd pretty much say this would work for me anywhere. The final brew stage for this beer is a nearly freezing state, where they claim its ample structure develops a brilliant clarity. You may not be able to tell because of the frozen glass, but as the glass has warmed up, you can see this beer is as clear as crystal. A perfectly festive looking beer, I would have been happy opening this one up on the 24th. We don't really get snow here in Phoenix, but this bottle showed me all I need.
Mmmm so yummy. And with 6.6% abv, a few of these are sure to warm you up, but at the same time they'll keep you nice and cool. Cool little bit of info on this beer from the new belgium website:
This tasty winter warmer started life as a small batch beer brewed for the Al Johnson Uphill Downhill a telemark ski race in Crested Butte, Colorado. The Uphill Downhill celebrates the exploits of Al Johnson, letter carrier extraordinaire, who delivered mail by ski in the late 1800 s.
Skiing mailman. Awesome. I only wish I had the goblet style glass to drink it out of. That must really be the only kind of beer glass I don't own. Hmmm Christmas present anybody? But really, only if its New Belgium :) I love this beer and I am giving it a rating of a perfect 10. GO BUY THIS BEER! Thank you New Belgium, you re-made my whole night!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7. Coney Island Albino Python White Lager Brewed With Spices

WTF. I'm drinking a beer? haha. This tastes more like cold spiced cider. I was excited for the whole white lager part, but I never really read the "spiced" part in my head. It looks like a wheat beer, golden as ever. It's extremely cloudy, but has absolutely no head. It didn't hold a head for more than 5 seconds.

Coney Island Albino Python is pretty interesting stuff. Its pretty spiced up. I wonder what they use. Well, one thing to remember before drinking a beer, is read the labels. "This white lager is pasteurized but may have a dusting of yeast. Agitate gently before serving. Indulge your inner beer freak!" Well I agitated, and there were plenty of floaters. It looked sorta nasty. Schmaltz Brewing Co isn't making me too happy with this one, but I do enjoy the experience. It really is something different. Strangest beer I have ever tasted. It's not bad, it's just not me. I do like how they always have stuff to say about their beers, descriptions on the bottles. "Schmaltz Brewing Company reveals a most charming attraction: the sensual dance of provocative hops and spices entwined with a sumptuous and elegant malt body. Taste the rapture. Surrender to temptation. Seduce and be seduced." I don't know, it feels really good when you drink it, but the spices are just too strong for me, and it tastes like I'm just powdering my tongue with some herbs in the kitchen. I really wish I could taste the actual beer more.
Again, this is another company that makes some pretty cool designs on their bottles. And a beer with a 6% abv is interesting when it doesn't taste like a beer at all. On their website I found that the spices are ginger, crushed fennel, and sweet orange peel. I think its the fennel that Isn't agreeing with me, because I like the rest of the spices they used. Maybe somebody would like this beer, but really, it's not one for me. My taste buds give it a 3. It smells like christmas, but I will most definitely be washing this one down with a Miller Lite. Sorry guys. NEXT

Day 6. Flying Dog Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale

Right now, all I have to say is HO-LY CRAP! This beer tastes freaking amazing! I'm really liking this Flying Dog company. Like they say, "Good People Drink Good Beer." And this is definitely a good beer. It smells amazing, it tastes amazing. Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale from Flying Dog Brewery is an amazing brew.

Just look at the color on that. That is the perfect pale ale poured into a frosty glass. A light colored beer thats plenty hoppy, thats all I ever ask for. It has a nice 5.5% abv, and I could drink it all night. Besides the looks and the tastes, it just smells great! I think I would buy a candle if they made one. A true American style pale ale. It sure is no surprise to me that this is consistently ranked as one of the best pale ales in the US. Check out some more on this beer here:

Its awesome the way this brewery seems to work. Totally my kind of people. "Dry hopped during 
fermentation with shit loads of Cascade hops" They say. SHIT LOADS. Awesome! A true beer, it ever swears. My only problem with this beer right now is that it's not in a 500mL bottle! Who only wants 12oz of the good stuff? No, I want a shit load! Besides the beer tasting amazing, the bottle just looks awesome. The artwork is so cool. Most beers are just boring or fancy, but this one is fun! A vicious looking scrawny dog with big ol' bat wings and a propellor on its tail. sweet.
The bottle even comes with its own little story. It says, "Dogs have it fiured out. They sleep all day, lick themselves and eat everything but veggies. Be like the more enlightened species in your house by sipping this classic Pale Ale with its perfect balance of smooth malt and crisp hops. Everyone likes to finish their day with a little Doggie Style." Haha right? I know I'm down with that. This beer gets and deserves a straight up, top of the charts 10 from me. A+ beer. Refreshing, smooth, crisp, chill.... Now...where can I buy this in a 30 pack? I really hope that in Maryland, where this stuff is brewed, that you're able to get a full keg of it. Because I would have one, right now, if I address is.... :D Thank you flying dog, and I look forward to drinking the rest of your beers and I will be keeping these forever stocked in my fridge! 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5. New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale

Well, before I even taste this beer, I'll let you know that black beers scare me, and aren't my favorite. Although a trip to Ireland and tour of the Guinness brewery along with multiple Guinness's opened me up to this side of beers, they still aren't my favorite. But off to the actual taste...

1554 actual reminds me exactly of Guinness. Color, taste, aftertaste, head, everything. I might not be able to tell the difference between the two, but I can't say I can tell a difference between them without having both of them in front of me, and I don't see that happening any time soon unless somebody gifts me a Guinness. This beer is good tho, it smells really good. I love drinking it out of this glass, because my knows goes straight into the glass to get a great up close smell.
I've always appreciated New Belgium beers. They seem like a cool company, and they'd better be because Belgium makes good beer, so a New Belgium had better make some good ones too! (Although new isn't always good or better...) According to their website (, this beer has a 5.6% abv and 200 calories. Hmmm sorta dessert-y style. This chart was pretty cool, mapping the flavors. They had this on their site under their beer. What do you think?
Well that chart can pretty much tell you how it tastes. It's actually an interesting story, because according to New Belgium, their original recipe was destroyed in a flood in 1997, so they flew to Belgium, did some research, and developed a new recipe. Sweet. Must have been fun. I like the fact that the company is an employee owned company, and don't have some giant over them. Only beer people should control the making of beer! I rate this beer at an 8.5