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Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13. North Coast PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale

Words cannot even BEGIN to describe how excited I have been to try this beer! North Coast PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale. Belgian. Golden. Ale. Three amazing words in one sentence, can't beat that! OK, really the first big reason I'm so excited and curious about this beer is because I think I remember busting out quite a pretty penny for this 4 pack of beers, where the other 3 are sitting in wait in the garage. Ok Ok, it wasn't ridiculous, but 8 bux for a 4 pack is a little steep for 12 oz bottles. The cool thing is, that Bevmo sells this puppy in keg size! So if I do like it, I just need all of my friends to chip in for the 200 dollar party we're about to have. No big deal right? Damn that would be a big party. Maybe I'll wait.
Ok, really, doesn't that picture just look amazing? I feel ashamed to have to post mine, but I will. My bottle doesn't look like that either, but a corked bottle would be cool! Another crazy thing about this beer, is that it's only an Ale, but it has 7.6%abv. Whaaat??? Thats just crazy right? I haven't really eaten all day, so it's quite possible this could do some damage haha. Wait, I can't psych myself out before I've even tried this beer, so let me go pour it...

WHOA! That is THE craziest taste I have EVER tasted in my LIFE! The beer had no head really, just a little fuzz like a soda pop would when you pour it out of the bottle, but its so golden and even a slight cloudiness to it. It's tastes a liiiiiiittle like a wheat beer, but not quite the sourness. This beer has a good sweetness to it, and even though it had no head, it fizzes in your mouth. It tastes a bit like apricot beer, such as the Pyramid Audacious Apricot Ale (which is one of my favorites, but I went in to this month making it my goal to try new beers). This is like Blue Moon meets Audacious Apricot, and then they had an awesome baby.
Belgian beers have been showing up more and more in my life, and its no wonder, that when they taste this good, that they should exist. The bottle makes me feel like I'm drinking from an old style, Prohibition era bottle. The picture is full of happy, olden days, probably drunk, people. Oh, they are ALL fat too. This is not a freakin Mich' Ultra, I'm sure it's got a good calorie count to it, but I don't care. I'm the kind of person that melts cheese on top of butter and eats it. Yeah thats right, and I still barely tip 150. No, but seriously, this beer is awesome, no crazy scent to it, just a really awesome taste. I guess it can be true that more money can buy a better beer, but hey everybody, this tastes too good to be sitting next to my computer while I type about it. I'm off to enjoy this, and I highly recommend you pick up a case too if you can. Or get the keg and invite me over. Remember, 7.6% alcohol, this ain't a beer for your beer pong party. Respect the good beers, abuse the shitty (occasionally, or not...I'm not condoling binge drinking here...sorta. I think my parents might read this.) Perfect 10 beer. I'll be the first to give it an 11 when I see it with a nice foamy head. Flavor is amazing, not fruity, but good bit of apricot.

I've never heard of Fort Bragg, CA, but they can brag all they want about this beer. And they have plenty others at this brewery as well. Around 15 beers AND it's a restaurant. I would totally love to eat at this place. People who make good beer have amazing chefs. The website even gives you Beer/Food pairings and Beer/Cheese pairings...say what!?! Plus, they're even so down with themselves, that they have some of their recipes posted on the website. I know what I'm making this Christmas! Check it, a recipe with one of their beers for MAC & CHEESE! I think I'm in love. Trying this ASAP, will report back when I've done it! But now I really must go and enjoy this without making my fingers tired. GO OUT AND SPEND MONEY ON THIS BEER! And their others too, why not, they can't be bad when this is so good!

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