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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 11. Nectar Ales Humboldt Brown

OK, so, first order of business. I know I'm behind again by one day, but that tends to happen for me on Saturdays haha. BUT...I need a new design or casing for this MANdvent Calendar. I mean, the more days I open, it just looks worse. Next year, I'll try to do more planning and really make a case for this thing. It needs to be taller, hold beer better, and have actual doors or flaps or something for the days you open up. I have just been popping a hole in the top, and its all falling apart. I also don't like the fact that I can take sneak peaks at what my other beers are. This will change next time. Give me some ideas if you've got them!

Homeboldt Brown, all natural ale, brewed with hemp. This is gonna be interesting. Pot beer? Well it says 5.7%abv so it should be fun. I guess the company recently changed the name from Hemp Ale to Humboldt Brown. I don't know why, but on their website, it is still listed as Hemp Ale. And their bottle looks a little different then mine, but otherwise, it's the same beer. It actually looks like a coke. The color, the totally looks like I poured a coca-cola. Well anyways, it smells really good. Nice and nutty. I actually really like the taste too. Although it's not very carbonated, it tastes good as its in your mouth. The only downside, is that once you swallow, it's gone. There's no aftertaste. Whats with that?

Okay but really the funniest part of this beer is on their website. On the bottom of the page for this beer, it says Availability: California only (due to legal restrictions with hemp seeds). OK, I live in Arizona, so this is a lie. Update your site. Or what, just cause prop 203 just passed, we're allowed to have weed beer here too? Who knows, but seriously, get your site in order, because I didn't but this in Cali, I got it from Bevmo! The only hempyness of this beer, according to the site, is that they used hemp seeds (marijuana seeds), way to be PC guys... "adds an herbal nutty flavor...and a smile" HA. So lame. There is no flavor to seeds, I'm pretty sure of that. And if you're using toasted hemp seeds, I don't get it, and I think you're lying. I'm pretty sure those are expensive to purchase. They are legal, but expensive, and I think the purpose of hemp (besides the part that you smoke) is the plant's strength. Why brag about using seeds? The amount of seeds used for one beer could probably have given you leaves and enough mary jane to put you in jail for life. If you used what you said you did, and what you should have, that is...They're boasting about it's herb flavor, and they don't even use the "herb" wtf. Damn, I'm sure Canadians have a version of this that they did right. I have a feeling though that their version might do more than get you drunk. 
They could at least have some seeds or hemp plants drawn into the label. Well anyways, I just wish this beer had some more carbonation to it, and a taste that lingered a bit longer, and defo could use some work on the Hemp part. otherwise, what the hell is Humboldt Brown supposed to mean? It's brewed with green...Fuck it, I'm gonna finish this beer and open up another. 7 out of 10. Hey, C's get you in to college, I speak from experience. They help you graduate too ;)

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